Buongiorno! Thanks for praying with us! Since the last prayer blog updates we have been very encouraged to see Ambra growing in her walk with God. She is eager to be part of the christian community and is actively seeking to go deeper in her understanding of God's Word. As we've cast vision for inward and outward growth and multiplication for our community groups we've seen some positive responses. Our group (gruppo carso) just evaluated itself in the areas of being a family, disciples, missionaries and servants. It was a really good time to see what happened in the past year and to ask God to lead us in this next season in these four areas of focus. We are excited to see what He will do. This month we would really appreciate if you could pray with us about:
- Our trip to the US at the end of November. Last time we came back to the States was about 3 years ago. We are getting ready to come and there are several things we are preparing to share during our trip. We will be in the US for 6 weeks and will be traveling in 4 different states. Please pray with us as we prepare for the trip and have also many other things going on here at the moment. Also please pray for me, because I will be preaching in English at a church in Texas. I am praying for confidence in Christ, clear thoughts and communication and for the Holy Spirit's leading.
- Pray for Elio and Nicoletta and their 2 children, Christopher and Gabriel. Elio is one of the Italian elders in our church and he will be taking a great leap of faith, leaving his secular job and going full time in ministry starting in January 2016. This is a big deal in Italy, because there are very few national, full-time evangelical pastors due to lack of available resources and financial help that local Italian churches are able to give. Italy is in need of pastors who are able to dedicate this kind of time to their churches so this is very exciting. This will also free up time for Elio to work with our Pioneers Team in developing future ministries for church planting. He and his family will be supported financially by different churches and individuals outside of Italy which calls for a lot prayer. Please pray for wisdom and direction as they take this next step.
From left to right: Christopher, Elio, Nicoletta and Gabriel
- Our team is growing! God willing in January another couple from Wilmington will join us here in Italy. Gary and Amy and their 2 daughters, Lydia and Margo are currently raising support and preparing for this next chapter of their lives. Please pray for them as this time can be quite trying and stressful. Also please pray that we are able to help them in this time of final preparation and departure.
From left to right: Amy, Lydia, Margo and Gary
Thanks to stand with us in prayer!
God bless,