La Primavera
Song of Solomon 2:11-12
“…for behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”
Sometimes you just need a little mountain air.
Meals with family from across the pond are always so special.
Hang time with big cousin Landon.
Gelato at the carnival parade.
Italian breakfast with family.
As the school year is nearing the end, it’s been a season full of activities both at school and after school for our family. We had a wonderful visit from McKenzie’s sister and family. The kids loved hanging with their auntie and uncle, but they really had a special time with their big cousin Landon. We were so grateful for this time together. Our kids have been doing well in school and showing resilience, even through some challenges in schoolwork, friendships, and emotional struggles. While these difficulties have tested us, we’re learning to navigate them, trusting that God is guiding us through each step. Andrea and I make it a priority to often take walks together, recalibrate, and ensure we’re on the same page. These moments of quiet reflection allow us to lay our burdens at God’s feet, helping us stay grounded in our relationship with each other, with our family, and with Him. We’re grateful for the strength and peace He provides as we continue moving forward.
Grazing sheep not far from our home.
For over a month now these sheep have been grazing in a field not far from where we live. It’s amazing to see how they stick together as their shepherd stays with them and watches over them. There are no fences to keep them in, just the shepherd and his dog who gather and move them along from one area of green grass to another. The image makes me think of how we need to stick together as God’s people, His church. As a body of believers we are to be united in Jesus, solely trusting in His care, protection, and provision. He keeps us from wandering and getting lost. We are blessed to share that our church is in a beautiful season of fellowship, gathering every Sunday for worship and spending one Sunday each month sharing, praying, singing, and eating together. These times have been deeply intimate, strengthening both our connection with each other and with God. Our core team is also excited to embark on a journey of learning about effective church planting, a vision that was actually proposed by Robert, our worship leader. Although, we have proposed similar visions in the past they never seemed to take off and as we prayed about it we felt that God gave us peace in knowing that it wasn’t the right time. So having this come from Robert is so encouraging, because we can see the Holy Spirit leading. It’s been incredible to see how God is strengthening Robert’s faith and fueling his passion for sharing the Gospel with those who have yet to truly meet Jesus. Andrea continues to preach and lead worship alongside Robert and Pieter. We also have an addition to the band. He’s an 18 year old boy named Joshua. He is a drummer. We are praying for His growth in His relationship with Jesus. We also have started a youth group that meets twice a month on Sunday mornings. Thank you for praying for that! McKenzie is leading that group at the moment and it has been such a blessing to see the kids engaged and able to have a time dedicated to them.
Italian Creatives Zoom Meeting
Inspired by God’s creation of amazing plants and flowers
As God has been nudging McKenzie to get more involved with the creatives community she felt lead to embrace a teaching role in a visual arts group from the same creatives group that Andrea & Robert have been a part of with the musical side of worship. It’s been inspiring to see fellow Christian artists eager to use their talents for God’s kingdom. McKenzie has committed to meeting once a month for four months each year, and she’s grateful that while leading this group it is challenging her and growing her as an artist.
Andrea is nearing the end of his intense soccer course, and we are both excited to see how God will use his new certification in future soccer clinics. We continue to see this as a next step to his goal which is to build relationships that will lead to Christ centered activities and camps, allowing him to combine his passion for soccer with his desire to share the Gospel.
Peach orchards behind our house
Last but not least, we have some exciting updates to share! The Persson family, whom we’ve been praying for, has reached 75% of their support total—praise the Lord! They are now able to purchase their tickets and are planning to join us in Italy, hopefully by June. We are thrilled to see God’s provision and are eagerly anticipating their arrival.
McKenzie had a wonderful time in Spain at a PI leadership conference back in January. She learned about receiving new missionaries well as they get ready and come to the field. She and Andrea were able to debrief once she was home. It was confirming in many ways, but also eye opening in others.
Andrea is putting together some documents for new and existing missionaries who come to work in our area. He is inspired to help future team leaders thrive and is gathering together any helpful information he’s acquired from past experiences.
On top of that, we’re heading to the USA this summer and will be there for the entire month of July and part of August. We’d love to connect with you while we’re in your town, so stay tuned for more details as the time approaches. We can’t wait to catch up with everyone and share what God is doing in our lives and hear what He’s doing in yours!
Adrien was accepted to the science and sports high school he desires to attend next year!
Andrea is learning a lot and doing really well in the certifcation course
God is opening doors for McKenzie to use her art for His Kingdom
The Persson family has been moving forward really well with support raising
Please pray with us!
For our children, their salvation and growth in their relationship with Jesus
For continued growth and connection in our church body as we are united in Christ
For Art, Soccer, Youth, Church leadership and PI leadership ministries to be fruitful
For the Persson family to be able to receive 100% support before departure and for them to be able to get here by June
For our preparations for our summer USA trip
DOWNLOAD OUR SUPPORT SLIP HERE (instructions on the document)
SEND A FINANCIAL GIFT ONLINE HERE (after you click on the link enter: Andrea Dorigo & McKenzie Constantino, Account # 136144)