Buon giorno! Thanks for all your prayers! This time the Prayer Blog is going to be a bit longer then usual. This past two months have been pretty busy. Lots of good opprtunities to share God's love in word and deed. We are excited to share with you what happened so that you can keep praying for all this relationships.
- In May our team was for the first time all together on the ground. The Carmicahels are all set up and moving forward in cultural and language acquisition. The Edwardes came back from home assignment and successfully renew their visas. Pray that we will be strong in working together to proclaim God's love to the people here in Italy.
Our Pioneers Team minus Sarah taking the pic
Kids of our Pioneers Team
- Then at the end of May, our community group and other people from our Church organized a Ladies Tea Party for the women in our neighborhood. It was meant to be a time for community and to get to know each other. It turned out to be a great success and the women invited were really surprised that our group cared to do something for them. At the same time we also started taking care of the lawn around our neighborhood that the town cuts only once a year. People were amazed why we care about doing this and it was a great way to share that we would like to bless others as Jesus have blessed us. Pray that this relationships with these women can grow.
The men at work for the party
The men at work for the party
Some of the food
Good times
Good times
The minds behind the Tea Party
- Right after the party we went for a 5 day conference in central Italy. This was the one of first times about 1500 people gathered to worship together in Italy. We had the privilege to have John Piper come and speak to us about "The Passion of God for Mission". It was a wonderful time of learning and spending time with other believers around Italy. Pray that the Church in Italy will grasp the importance of being passionate about God's mission of reaching people with the Gospel.
On our way to the conference
On our way to the conference
The group from our Church that went to the conference
Mission conference
John Piper
- A copule of days after we came back from the conference we had 5 days of theological training with Gregg Allison from Sojourn Church in Kentucky. It spoke about "Passion for God's Word". Pray that the people in our Church that were present and the different guest will embrace what we learned.
Gregg teaching
Worship time
Worship time
- Two days ago we finished a project we started 3 years ago. In 2014 we begun help painting an elementary school in our Church neighborhood. This year we completed the last floor. It was an incredible journey for our Church to be involved in blessing the city and for the people in the school that were amazed why we would do such a thing for them. Last night at the final party our church had the opportunity to share what we did this and also thank them to help us serve them. They were astonished that we were thanking them and that we served them because of Jesus and his love for his people. Pray that we can keep in touch with this new friends and that God's love will speak to their hearts.
School painting project
- Last but not least we had some great opprtunities to buil relationships and help out in Adrien school. We just want to thank God for so many opportunities he gave us to meet people and try to be a blessing for them. Pray that we will find open doors and hearts!
End of the year recital
School garden project
Trying to be a pro!
Adrien's school race!
Thanks for praying with us!
God Bless,