Ciao! Since the last update we have some exciting news! Thanks for standing in prayer with us! For this month you can pray for:
- A few weeks ago the whole families of Valentina and Montse (the two girls that started to study the Bible with Mckenzie about 1 year ago) came to our community group night. It was very exciting to have them there and interact with other believers. They also participated actively to the Bible study and it was an encouraging time. They have also all agreed to do a marriage study together starting in September. We have also recently been connecting more and more with different families from Adrien's school. McKenzie is doing an english game time with some of the kids from his class! Pray that God will speak to the heart of these families.
Community group night
Community group night
English game time!
- After we finished the school painting project (a 3 years event that involved our church and international friends serving a local school in the city. To hear more about it look at June 2016 prayer blog) a new door opened up! The parents of the school in collaboration with the school asked our church to run a sports/art summer camp for the summer of 2017. They would also like for us as a church to provide children and adults english conversation throughout the year. Pray that this relationships can continue to grow and that God will be in the midst.
- William is one of my closest friend from childhood. We had lost a bit of touch in the past several years. Recently we meet again and he was open in sharing how his life is a complete mess. His girlfriend had been cheating on him after in the past he did the same to her, their little dougther is suffering through it all and now that he wanted to try to rebuild his family nothing seems to really work. They are close to leave each other. I had the opportunity to bring the Gospel in this situation. They don't believe and so we are praying that God will open their eyes and hearts to respond to him, the only one that can bring peace in all this turmoil. Please be praying for them. We had been praying for them for years and this connection was a big surprise in the past weeks.
- Pray for Robert and Ambra. He met Ambra at work about 2 years ago and led her to Jesus. They have just gotten engaged and we are so excited. Pray for their future together, that they will hold Christ as their center and that they will honour and treasure their marriage and be an example to others.
Ambra and Robert
- Pray for the Vannelli family. Elio is one of the elders in our church and is going to take his family for the first time to the US for support raising. They will be leaving for the whole month of August. Pray that they will be connecting with the right people and that God will use this time in an incredible way.
Elio and Nicoletta and their sons Christopher and Gabriel
Thank you for praying with and for us!
Much love,